GLASC Bylaws

GLASC Bylaws

Click on Link below for copy of GLASC Bylaws:

GLASC Bylaws

Greater Lafayette Area Safety Council- BYLAWS

Article I. NAME
This organization shall be known as the GREATER LAFAYETTE AREA SAFETY COUNCIL, herein known as GLASC.

This organization currently has no affiliations.

The purpose and goals of the GREATER LAFAYETTE AREA SAFETY COUNCIL are:
1. to develop professional relationships among its members;
2. to facilitate the free exchange of information and the solution of mutual problems;
3. to conduct safety-related programs and activities;
4. to strengthen safety programs within member organizations;
5. to increase safety awareness in the workforce and the community, thus reducing the frequency and severity of deaths and disabling injuries.

Membership will be granted to any organization or company which has paid its membership dues.
Section 4.01 Members organizations can send up to (3) three employees to a meeting.
Section 4.02 Voting will be limited to one vote per member organization on any vote taken during regular business agenda items or election of officers.
Section 4.03 Member organizations may not have a majority of representatives on the Executive Board of GLASC during a term of office.
Section 4.04 Term of membership on Executive Board is for (2) two years and shall last from January 1st through December 31st.

The elected officers of GLASC shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, and Webmaster. These officers will constitute the Executive Board of GLASC. Two to three trustees shall be elected. The immediate past president shall remain as a member of the Executive Board for (1) one year following his/her term as GLASC President.

Section 6.01 President
A. Presides at all regular and special meetings.
B. Preserves order and enforces the Bylaws.
C. Signs checks in conjunction with the Treasurer.
D. Votes only to break a tie on any issue or election.
E. Appoints committee chairpersons.
Section 6.02 Vice President
A. Assists the President in his/her duties.
B. Fulfills the duties of President in the President’s absence.
C. Fulfills the remainder of the President’s term of office; if the president is unable to do so.
Section 6.03 Secretary
A. Maintains records of all regular and special meetings, including all correspondence for five years.
B. Maintains the membership list.
C. Notifies all members of meetings, including dates and locations.
D. Completes GLASC correspondence as needed.
E. Orders supplies and recognition awards for outgoing officers and other persons deserving meritorious recognition.
Section 6.04 Treasurer
A. Collects dues and payments to GLASC. Makes deposits into the GLASC bank account within (5) five business days after receipt.
B. Maintains a record of all transactions for seven years.
C. Pays all bills approved by the Executive Board of GLASC.
D. Provides financial reports to the GLASC membership
E. Completes and presents the annual financial report to the GLASC membership at the final meeting of the year.
F. Signs checks in conjunction with the President.
G. Responsible for checking the GLASC Post Office box for mail at least monthly.
Section 6.05 Trustees
A. A trustee is responsible for the property of the Council.
B. A trustee shall audit the financial records of the Treasurer on an annual basis.
C. A trustee shall witness the official report by the President and the Treasurer given to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
D. A trustee serves in an advisory role at the Executive Board meetings and may be asked to perform specific duties related to GLASC.
Section 6.06 Webmaster
A. The Webmaster shall maintain the GLASC website at least monthly.

Article VII. DUES
Section 7.01 Annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board. Criteria for assessing the amount of dues shall be the state of the Treasury and number of members.
Section 7.02 Dues are payable upon receipt of the dues notice issued by the Secretary of GLASC.
Section 7.03 Payment of dues will be for one membership year dating from January 1st through December 31st.
Section 7.04 Government agencies shall be provided with free membership upon request.

Section 8.01 GLASC meeting schedule and presentation topics shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 8.02 Special Meetings may be called by the President or at the request of at least three members.

Section 9.01 Nominations for office shall be made by a Nominating Committee appointed by the President and submitted at the membership in October of every other year.
Section 9.02 The order of nomination shall be: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Trustee, and Webmaster.
Section 9.03 Nominees may accept nomination to only one office.
Section 9.04 Election of officers will be held in November.
Section 9.05 An officer’s term of office shall endure for two (2) membership years. An officer may hold the same office for an indefinite period of time, so long as every term they are elected and the Executive Committee and President agree it is in the best interest of GLASC. Officers shall attend a minimum of 9 meetings per year and readily follow up on duties monthly with Executive Committee. The positions of President, Treasurer and Webmaster will be elected during odd number years (taking office during following even number years), while the positions of Vice-President, Secretary and three (3) Trustees will be elected during even number years (taking office during following odd number years).
Section 9.06 Vacancies in offices shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 9.07 Induction of newly-elected officers will occur in December. The “Installing Officer” shall be the outgoing president. If the out-going president is not available, the next ranking officer will preside.
Section 9.08 Installation of Officers will be as follows: (Installing Officer) “Raise your right hand and repeat after me: I (NAME) do solemnly swear in the presence of the assembled members, that I will faithfully execute the office to which I have been elected, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve the Bylaws of the Greater Lafayette Area Safety Council.”

Section 10.01 These Bylaws can only be amended by a majority vote of the member organizations present when a vote is taken.
Section 10.02 Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be given to the Executive Board in writing ten days prior to the meeting at which a vote will be taken.
Article XI:

Section 9.05 (October 2013) An officer’s term of office shall endure for two (2) membership years.
– Previously listed as one (1) year
Section 9.05 (August 2015) An officer may hold the same office for an indefinite period of time, so long as every term they are elected and the Executive Committee and President agree it is in the best interest of GLASC. Officers shall attend a minimum of 9 meetings per year and readily follow up on duties monthly with Executive Committee. The positions of President, Treasurer and Webmaster will be elected during odd number years (taking office during following even number years), while the positions of Vice-President, Secretary and three (3) Trustees will be elected during even number years (taking office during following odd number years).
– Not previously listed