Category: Uncategorized

May 2024 – Welcome Jason Burge

May 2024 – Welcome Jason Burge

We are pleased to announce Jason Burge from Walmart Global Security has been appointed to the Trustee Position for GLASC.  Jason has been an avid GLASC member since joining years ago.  Jason consistently attends and engages during our monthly meetings.  We firmly believe he will be able to bring a different new perspective to the board and hopefully more council membership.  We are also excited to have him help on the expo and conference planning committee.  Welcome to the team Jason, adding more talent to our solid council board!

GE Aerospace Lafayette Engine Facility

GE Aerospace Lafayette Engine Facility

Join us in congratulating the GE Lafayette Engine Facility EHS team for being awarded the Governor’s Workplace Safety Award for the second year in a row! The team won the Rising Star award for their focus on risk identification and reduction through their Safety Failure Mode and Effects (SFMEA) events.

March 2024 – Practical Application of Ergonomics

March 2024 – Practical Application of Ergonomics

Our Presenter: Bill Beck

Lunch Sponsor: Bill Beck / Select Medical

In this session, Bill discussed the Practical Application of Ergonomics in the workplace! Thank you Bill for an informative session. Also, thank you to Bill Beck and Select Medical for sponsoring this months lunch!

We appreciate all of our attendees for joining us!

Please join us in our next session April 17, lead by Ryan Griffin who will cover the topic “Heat”.

February 2024 – Lone Worker Safety

February 2024 – Lone Worker Safety

Our Presenter: Michael Gegermeier

Lunch Sponsor: August Mack

In this session, Michael discussed the importance of keeping lone workers safe and steps to take to ensure they are protected and communicated with. Thank you Michael for the presentation and thank you to August Mack Environmental for the lunch!

We appreciate all of our attendees for joining us!

Please join us in our next session March 20, lead by Bill Beck who will discuss the topic “Practical Application of Ergonomics”

January 2024 – Growing In Self Awareness

January 2024 – Growing In Self Awareness

Our Presenter: Matt Lesser

Lunch Sponsor:

In this session, we learned the importance of growing in self awareness through team structured exercises. Thank you Matt for a great presentation!

We appreciate all of our participants in our goal of making safer workplaces!

Please join us in our next session February 21, lead by Michael Gagermeier “Lone Workers – Working Alone”