October Meeting Teaches about Employee Engagement

October Meeting Teaches about Employee Engagement

Today, Holly DeRose and Tobi Yeatman told us about the value of employee engagement when it comes to promoting safety in the workplace.  Great advice and ideas about bring the message of safety home to employees.

Holly and Tobi work for CNH Parts and Services.  http://www.cnhindustrial.com/Pages/splash_cnhindustrial.html

Here is a link to our Facebook photo album for this month’s meeting.


Health and Wellness Was the Focus of September GLASC Meeting

Health and Wellness Was the Focus of September GLASC Meeting

This month, Julie Nelson spoke to us on the value of wellness and worksite wellness programs.  Preventing injury and sickness is more important than reacting to the problems after they happen.  The cost of doing business can be lowered dramatically if intervention and wellness are an emphasis for your business and environment.  Here are some photos from our Facebook site to document the day. Julie Nelson represents ATI Worksite Solutions.  Their web site is:


Go to our Facebook site here…


June Meeting Was Big Hit

June Meeting Was Big Hit






The June Meeting was a big hit.  We are just judging by the comments after the presentation by Paradigm Consulting.  There is no doubt that preventative care and lifestyle management can save companies hundred of thousands of dollars over time.  Not getting sick or hurt is a lot cheaper than repairing the damage.  

GLASC thanks Kristin Stapleton and her team for the fine presentation.  


